
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.

Five benefits of outpatient group therapy for struggling teens

 A recent CDC study has estimated that one in five children in America is suffering with a mental disorder of some type and the need for quality mental health treatment for youth has never been greater.  Because of the prohibitive cost of residential treatment, more and more youth are being seen in outpatient clinics and counseling offices as concerned parents seek help for their children. 

A majority of mental health clinics and offices utilize individual therapy as the primary mode of treatment.   Finding therapists that utilize group therapy is more difficult, despite the known benefits of using group therapy with youth.   Some therapists simply prefer to not work with teens because of the difficulties involved with engaging a teen in treatment.  Many therapists shy away from using group therapy because it can be extremely difficult to run effective group therapy with youth.  It takes a highly skilled therapist to run a good group session with resistant teens. 

  Listed below are five benefits for the utilization of group therapy for treating difficult youth:

1.       Participation in group therapy sessions provides young people with the realization that they are not alone in their problems and that others experience similar problems.  Youth often feel alienated from others and experience a great deal of loneliness.  Group therapy provides the opportunity for youth to feel a sense of belonging and cohesiveness.  This allows for youth to develop the skill of learning to connect and bond with others.

2.       Participation in group therapy creates opportunities for interpersonal learning by receiving feedback from each other and experimenting with new ways of relating.  “Group think” can be a powerful tool for helping youth to find new ways of approaching their problems.  This is an opportunity that simply can’t be duplicated in an individual therapy setting.

3.       The treatment group setting provides a safe setting for accountability as the youth report their efforts to manage their unwanted behaviors.  This contradicts the self-talk of many youth who tend to keep their struggles secret because of the shame they often feel.  Participation in group reduces the shame and encourages honesty and openness.   As youth progress in their treatment, they are able to begin to give back and help newer group members.  This creates self-esteem and self-worth.   Group therapy teaches youth to turn to people instead of addictions and dependencies in their time of need. 

4.       Participation in group therapy instills hope to young people that they can recover from their problems.  Senior group members share their successes with newer group members and group members encourage one another to work to achieve their goals. 

5.       Participation in group therapy is a more cost-effective way to provide therapy.  Psychotherapy services can be expensive, particularly for those who are not able to offset the cost with health insurance.  Group therapy sessions can be a more affordable way for parents to assure their child is in treatment each week without having to pay out of pocket for more expensive individual therapy sessions.

Therapy Associates is an outpatient clinic located in St. George, Utah that specializes in the treatment of children, teens and young adults.  Group therapy is a preferred method of treatment.  The clinic provides group therapy treatment to teens and young adults and runs group therapy sessions for substance abuse, gaming addiction, adolescent girls’ issues, pornography/sexual addiction and sexual offenses.  See our website to find out more about our therapeutic services for children, teens and young adults in the St. George, Utah area.

Teens and Pornography: normal behavior or road to pathology?

Because of the ease of access to explicit materials and the sexualization of our society, parents and professionals are increasingly faced with the task of addressing the use of pornography among teens.  Statistics suggest that 93% of boys and 62% of girls are exposed to internet pornography before the age of 18.  67% of youth admit to clearing their browsing history to hide their on-line behavior.   70% of young men between the ages of 18 to 24 admit to visiting pornography websites on a monthly basis. 

In the past, viewing pornography has been viewed as a taboo and unacceptable behavior for teens.  Is viewing pornography considered a normal and acceptable behavior for today’s teens?  Some teens think so.  When confronted about the habit of viewing pornography, they argue, “Everyone is doing it.” and “Isn’t it a better way to deal with sexual feelings than actually having sex?”. 

Many parents continue to reject the use of pornography by their teens, but often minimize or underestimate to what extent their teens or viewing pornography and the negative effects that viewing has on adolescent development.

Neurological research has found that pornography is highly addictive due to the chemical release in the brain that occurs while viewing pornography.  For some teens, the euphoria that is experienced from these neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain becomes a phenomena that is difficult to resist.  Many find an escape from reality through viewing pornography.  It becomes an easy way to temporarily avoid life difficulties.   The potency of on-line high definition pornography contributes to how easily some teens become addicted.  The strength of today’s pornography far surpasses what was found in the pornographic magazines of the past. 

Pornography distorts a teen’s view of sexuality and intimacy and ultimately destroys relationships.  One study found that 56% of divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornography.  Teens who become addicted to pornography often begin isolate from others and their capacity to effectively socialize with others becomes weakened as increased time and energy is spent in fantasy and escape than in reality. 

As addicted teens move into adulthood and into marriage relationships, therapists warn that some prefer pornography and masturbation to real sex. 

While it is normal for teens to be curious and attracted to pornography, the consequences of developing a habit of viewing pornography can be damaging and long lasting.  If you know a teen or young adult who is struggling with a habit of viewing pornography or a parent who has a child struggling with pornography, let them know there is help.  Contact us today by clicking here.

Q & A: Does your program help youth who are struggling with addiction to masturbation?

My son’s main issue is masturbation and not necessarily pornography.  He has looked at pornography on occasion, but it doesn’t seem to be something he does often.  I do know he wants to stop masturbating, but has been unable to stop on his own   Is the Mending The Armor Program something that would help him with this problem?The answer is yes.  The Mending The Armor Program can help teens and young adults who have unwanted habit of masturbation.  Many of our clients have been young men desirous to serve missions, but needing to eliminate their masturbatory habits.We have been able to help youth who are struggling with a variety of compulsive sexual behaviors including masturbation, fetishes, voyeurism, paraphillic infantilism, sexting, and cybersexual acting out.   While the main focus of the program is pornography addiction, Mending The Armor is a recommended treatment approach for youth and young adults struggling with pornography and also a variety of sexually compulsive behaviors.   The program does not provide treatment for illegal sexual acting, but can refer to therapists who provide sexual offenses treatment.

Intervening Early—Helping Teens to Combat Pornography Addiction

The earlier in life a teen decides to deal with this addiction, the less harm it will cause in their future.   many adults addicted to pornography say they wished they had dealt with the problem when they were still young because it would have saved them having to experience the pain and tragedy of what many adults addicted to pornography have to endure.  Additionally, the longer an addiction remains in place, the more difficult that addiction can be to break.  Breaking the addiction while still young is much easier than allowing the addiction to persist for many years.

A pornography addiction can be compared to having a heavy ball and chain attached to your leg.   These devices were historically used to physically restrain prisoners because they took away their freedom and made it difficult to escape from captivity.  A pornography addiction functions in the same way as it takes away your freedom and unless you can break the chains, leaves you in captivity to the images and the strong sexual feelings they trigger.

Research reveals that teens and young adults who consume online pornography are more likely to…

  • Begin sexual activity earlier than peers
  • Develop appetite for more graphic and deviant types of pornography
  • Incur persistent emotional problems such as depression, shame and remorse
  • Believe that the most gratifying sexual satisfaction is attainable without love or true affection
  • Believe that being married or having a family are undesirable
  • Develop sexual compulsions and addictive behaviors
  • Believe that deviant sexual practices such as group sex and sadomasochism are common and normal.