
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.

Q & A: Does your program help youth who are struggling with addiction to masturbation?

My son’s main issue is masturbation and not necessarily pornography.  He has looked at pornography on occasion, but it doesn’t seem to be something he does often.  I do know he wants to stop masturbating, but has been unable to stop on his own   Is the Mending The Armor Program something that would help him with this problem?The answer is yes.  The Mending The Armor Program can help teens and young adults who have unwanted habit of masturbation.  Many of our clients have been young men desirous to serve missions, but needing to eliminate their masturbatory habits.We have been able to help youth who are struggling with a variety of compulsive sexual behaviors including masturbation, fetishes, voyeurism, paraphillic infantilism, sexting, and cybersexual acting out.   While the main focus of the program is pornography addiction, Mending The Armor is a recommended treatment approach for youth and young adults struggling with pornography and also a variety of sexually compulsive behaviors.   The program does not provide treatment for illegal sexual acting, but can refer to therapists who provide sexual offenses treatment.