
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.

Intervening Early—Helping Teens to Combat Pornography Addiction

The earlier in life a teen decides to deal with this addiction, the less harm it will cause in their future.   many adults addicted to pornography say they wished they had dealt with the problem when they were still young because it would have saved them having to experience the pain and tragedy of what many adults addicted to pornography have to endure.  Additionally, the longer an addiction remains in place, the more difficult that addiction can be to break.  Breaking the addiction while still young is much easier than allowing the addiction to persist for many years.

A pornography addiction can be compared to having a heavy ball and chain attached to your leg.   These devices were historically used to physically restrain prisoners because they took away their freedom and made it difficult to escape from captivity.  A pornography addiction functions in the same way as it takes away your freedom and unless you can break the chains, leaves you in captivity to the images and the strong sexual feelings they trigger.

Research reveals that teens and young adults who consume online pornography are more likely to…

  • Begin sexual activity earlier than peers
  • Develop appetite for more graphic and deviant types of pornography
  • Incur persistent emotional problems such as depression, shame and remorse
  • Believe that the most gratifying sexual satisfaction is attainable without love or true affection
  • Believe that being married or having a family are undesirable
  • Develop sexual compulsions and addictive behaviors
  • Believe that deviant sexual practices such as group sex and sadomasochism are common and normal.