
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.

Q & A: How long does it take for a youth to complete the Mending The Armor program?

The program is set up with the expectation that youth accomplish two things:

(1)     Achieve 90 days of abstinence from viewing pornography, masturbation and other unwanted sexual acting out.

(2)    Complete each of the twelve chapters of the Breaking Free workbook.

Some of the youth who have completed the program have done so in as little as three months.  However, most youth participate in the program for a longer period of time.  For some, it simply takes longer than 90 days to complete the two tasks listed above.  For others, they continue to attend our individual and group therapy sessions because they find it helpful, even after they have completed the requirements of the program.

Breaking an addiction to pornography can be a difficult process and it is not uncommon for youth to experience some relapses or setbacks along the way.   Additionally, many youth recognize that learning to manage an addiction to pornography can be a life-long challenge and continuing to attend group sessions serves as an on-going source of support in their efforts to abstain and develop coping skills to deal with the temptations they encounter in their day to day lives.

Most youth who participate in the program attend a combination of individual and/or group therapy sessions on a weekly basis.  We welcome youth to continue to participate in the program as long as they desire so long as they find the services helpful in their recovery.