Currently, pornography addiction is not considered a DSM IV diagnosis and therefore most insurance companies will not pay for therapy services. However, it is not uncommon for youth who are struggling with pornography addiction to also have other mental health conditions that are covered by health insurance. Most insurance companies will pay for a portion of therapy services for diagnoses such as depression or anxiety. Depending on your insurance company and other mental health issues which your child may display, will determine whether a portion of the therapy will be covered by insurance. Some insurance plans have an EAP program that doesn’t include a specific requirement for a diagnosis. In these cases, the EAP plan should cover a certain number of therapy sessions.In cases where health insurance coverage is not an option, the out of pocket expense will vary from office to office depending on the area of the country in which you live. In the corporate office in St. George, Utah, individual therapy sessions are $80 and group therapy sessions are $25. We strive to make the program as affordable as possible for youth who stand in need of treatment to break free from the addiction.
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.