
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.

Workbook for LDS Young Adults now available!

Mending The Armor has released a new version of the Breaking Free workbook that has been tailored to LDS young adults.  This workbook is now available at all Mending The Armor office locations.  This workbook is the text used in the Mending The Armor for Young Adults program.

This workbook is ideal for pre and post mission young men who are striving to conquer pornography addiction and other sexual behaviors.  The workbook covers the same concepts that are found in the original Breaking Free workbook for youth, but has a stronger focus on Twelve Step principles and also highlights the devastating impact of pornography addiction on marital relationships.  The underpinnings of the treatment highlight the necessity that young adults move into the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of social development free from pornography and sexual addiction.  The workbook also strongly encourages that young adults complete this program and then transition into the LDS Twelve Step program for longer-term support.

The Breaking Free Workbook: Helping Youth Overcome Pornography Addiction

Since its publication in January 2011, the Breaking Free workbook has been instrumental in assisting hundreds of youth around the country overcome pornography addiction.  The workbook provides a systematic approach for youth to follow as they strive to break free from a habit to which they have been enslaved, sometimes for many years.  Together with participation in individual and group therapy, many youth have experienced great success in breaking free from pornography addiction.

The workbook is published by the Youth Pornography Addiction Center and is the text that is used by therapists who run Mending The Armor and Star Guides outpatient programs.

The Breaking Free workbook is a twelve chapter text that leads youth to a greater understanding of pornography addiction including the brain science, the identification of underlying issues leading to the formation of an addiction and most importantly provides youth with specific strategies and guidance in learning to manage and overcome the addiction.

The last chapter of the workbook assists the young person in the creation of a long-term recovery plan that the youth can use in their efforts to abstain from relapse after they have completed treatment.