In our experience working with LDS families battling pornography addiction, we have had the chance to visit with many parents, church leaders, therapists and youth from various parts of the country on the topic of pornography addiction among LDS youth and young adults. It is apparent that many young LDS members are battling the addiction, but we have been surprised by how few actually seek professional treatment for dealing with the addiction. Listed are three mistakes that parents make that we believe explain this:
1. Yes, it’s a problem………….but is professional intervention really needed?
Too often, the chronic use of pornography by youth is not viewed as an addiction, but rather just a bad habit. The word “addiction” is strong and there is hesitancy on the part of parents, church leaders and youth to accept that an addiction has actually developed. Because of shame and embarrassment, youth may minimize or downplay the extent of the problem. As a result, parents and church leaders are often not fully aware of the depth of the issue resulting in the conclusion that professional help is not necessary. The unfortunate reality of pornography addiction is that most are unable to break free on their own without help. Parents and church leaders tend to underestimate the level of support and help needed to break the addiction and believe that simply reporting to the bishop when relapse occurs is enough support. Often it requires both ecclesiastical and professional help over a long period of time to overcome.
2. “You just need to try harder.”
Overcoming an addiction to pornography can be very difficult. Too often, those not familiar with the strength of the addiction simplify the process and expect that more desire and more willpower should result in terminating the addiction. It is hard for those not familiar with addiction to comprehend why some youth continue to relapse into viewing pornography despite every intention to remain abstinent. While increased commitment and effort are vital to overcoming the addiction, we need to empower our youth with every possible tool for learning to manage the addiction including spiritual support, emotional support, internet accountability and professional intervention. In fighting pornography addiction, there is no such thing as too much intervention. This is why both ecclesiastical and professional help are essential.
3. A few months abstinence equals recovery.
Some addicted youth are able to refrain from viewing pornography for several weeks and even months using willpower. In some cases, young adults serve missions and refrain from viewing pornography for two years only to return home and fall back into the addiction. While this shows a strong effort on their part, too often youth who have not participated in treatment will eventually relapse back into viewing pornography. It is important for youth, parents and church leaders to recognize the need for those who have been addicted to have the opportunity to analyze and explore the nature of the addiction including the underlying emotional and psychological issues that lead to the formation of the addiction. Too often, a few months abstinence is misinterpreted as the problem being resolved and thus, no need for participation in professional treatment. The reality is that pornography addiction often becomes a life-long management issue and not something that is resolved over the space of a few week or a few months.