It sounds like your son is making progress and it is encouraging that he has been able to refrain from using pornography for several months. The Mending The Armor program can still be of great benefit to your son as we want to assure that all youth who participate in the program are able to achieve a long-term recovery from pornography addiction and not simply be “abstinent” for a period of time. Breaking an addiction to pornography can be difficult and often times can involve multiple periods of abstinence followed by relapses. We believe there is a difference between “abstinence” and “recovery”.
It has been our experience that many youth are able to refrain from viewing pornography by using will power alone for a period of time, but that unfortunately, too many eventually relapse back into the addiction. This happens with some young men who refrain from viewing pornography to become worthy to serve a mission, but with the stresses and demands of missionary life, begin to struggle again with the addiction while serving. This also happens with some returned missionaries who have been able to remain abstinent while on their missions, but upon returning home and reintegrating into society, become vulnerable and return to the addiction. For many adults attempting to overcome the addiction, their pornography addiction has been a life-long issue and only after years of failed attempts, have realized that they can’t do it on their own and need professional help. The Mending The Armor program is designed to help young people learn to manage the addiction while they are still young, so they can avoid having to deal with the problem later in life.
“Abstinence” is defined as simply refraining from the use of pornography through will power, while “recovery” refers to the acquisition of the insight to understand the origins, cycle and underlying issues that accompany the addiction along with the skills to manage the emotions that drive the addiction.
Youth who complete the program are provided professional clinical intervention to assist them in identifying the origins of the addiction, the cycle of the addiction, the underlying emotional issues that drive the addiction and assistance in the creation of a recovery plan. The recovery plan then serves as a long-term guide for effective management of a proclivity toward using pornography. Completing the Mending The Armor program serves as an important tool beyond simply “will power” for helping youth to overcome pornography addiction.