We want to make pornography addiction treatment for LDS teens and young adults available to all who need it regardless of location. While our preference for providing treatment services is face to face interaction with a treatment group and therapist, we also recognize that pornography addiction treatment specific for LDS youth is not available in many areas. In an effort to make our treatment available for as many youth as possible, we have created a program that is provided via the internet.
For LDS youth who do not have access to pornography addiction treatment in their local area, on-line treatment is available! Youth can participate in both individual and group therapy sessions over the internet using video conferencing. Youth use the same Breaking Free workbooks and curriculum that is utilized in face to face treatment groups and have access to the same therapists. The only equipment needed is a computer, a web cam and a high speed internet connection.
Simply call our office at 800-584-4629 to schedule appointments with one of our therapists. We will mail you the workbook and instructions for setting up the video conferencing. Each week your son will meet with his therapist using video conferencing as he works to complete the Mending The Armor program.