Described below is a list of strategies that can be effective in learning to avoid, ignore and not focus on sexual thoughts and fantasies.
- Practice positive self-talk. Think positive and confident thoughts about yourself and your ability to be successful.
- Practice identifying the spread of thoughts occurring in your mind at any given time and then selectively choosing to focus on the thoughts that are appropriate and productive.
- Practice being in the present, “here and now”. Train yourself to pay attention to things occurring around you rather than getting caught up in the thoughts in your head.
- Fill your mind with positive and useful thoughts so that the brain trails in your head are strong and clear to positive information while sexual thought trails become weak and difficult to navigate.
- Be interactive with people around you. The more you communicate with other people, the less time you have to dwell on unwanted thoughts.
- Try not to be alone. Don’t isolate yourself or look for chances to be alone. Involve yourself in social activities.
- Avoid seeing pornographic images, hearing discussion about sexual themes, or being around people engaged in sexual behaviors.
- If you find yourself dwelling on sexual thoughts, find something to do such as talking to a friend, exercising, or singing a church song.
- Pray to God for strength to help you avoid sexual thoughts.
- If you find yourself fantasizing, don’t keep it a secret, talk to your therapist or religious leader.
- Use the tracking charts found at the back of each chapter in this workbook to monitor your progress in avoiding fantasies, and pornography.
- Read scriptures or write in your journal.