In the field of substance abuse treatment, marijuana is often referred to as the “gateway” drug as many who become addicted to harder drugs first started with using marijuana as teens and then progressed into more illicit substances.
In the same way, pornography is the “gateway” to a multitude of relationship and sexual behavior problems that can destroy the promise of bright futures for youth. Men who are addicted to pornography are not able to effectively function as husbands and fathers. Without healthy husbands and fathers, our society will not thrive. Our future hinges on young men who can become healthy, functioning husbands and fathers. We need youth who can become men of integrity.
Helping young people learn to manage and overcome addiction to pornography is among the most important work in the field of youth treatment today. In this work, we are helping to form youth who can become quality husbands and fathers who are free from sexual addiction.
Too many youth become addicted to pornography and carry this problem into adulthood where is prevents the formation of healthy relationships and often leads to infidelity, divorce, emotional problems and legal issues. The key is to preventing this all too often occurrence is to catch it early.
We are looking for therapists who want to make a difference. See the video on the benefits of becoming a provider!