Renown psychologist and leader in the field of sexual addiction research and treatment Dr. Victor Cline concluded after many years of working with sexual addicts that “most sexual and pornography addictions begin in middle childhood or early adolescence.”
In recent years, treatment for adults struggling with sexual addiction has gained increased attention and focus from therapists. However, little has been done relating to treatment services specific to youth. It is certain that pornography is the gateway to sexual addiction. It only then makes sense that the most effective way to prevent sexual addiction is to provide intervention to youth who are developing a pornography addiction.
In the LDS church, many young men struggling with pornography addiction do not seek help until they are in active preparation for serving a mission. In some cases, these young men don’t participate in treatment; they simply use willpower to abstain from viewing pornography. Unfortunately, many fall back into the addiction upon returning home from their missions.
Due to the onslaught of pornography on the internet and the ease of access, more and more children and teens are being exposed to pornography at a young age. Pornography addiction can develop at a young age, and left untreated, can result in sexual addiction as an adult. Recent studies and statistics shed light on just how big of a problem youth
pornography addiction is becoming:
93 % of boys and 62% of girls are exposed to internet pornography before the age of 18.
70% of boys have spent at least 30 consecutive minutes looking at on-line porn on at least one occasion.
35% of boys have done this on at least ten occasions.
83% of boys have seen group sex on the internet.
67% of children admit to clearing their internet history to hide their online activity.
79% of accidental exposures to internet porn among kids take place in the home.
The average age a child first sees internet pornography is 11.
70% of young men ages 18-24 visit pornographic websites on at least a monthly basis.
Mending The Armor is an outpatient treatment program that has been specifically designed to provide LDS youth and young adults with a formal approach for learning to manage and overcome an addiction to pornography and other unwanted sexual behaviors. This program is currently being offered in twelve locations in the United States and Canada. See the Locations for page on the website to find an office near you. If you are therapist interested in providing this service in your office, see the Become A Provider page for information on how to join the Mending The Armor network.